The Africa Global Logistics (AGL), formerly BOLLORE Transport and Logistics on Friday 8th December 2023, Commemorated International Anti-Corruption Day on the topic “Conflict of Interest “.
In his welcome address and purpose of the gathering at AGL’s compound, Water Quay in Freetown, the Head of Communication at AGL, Gassimu Fofana, extended his warm appreciation to all those who left their busy schedule to witness, what he referred to as a special day. He continued that this occasion holds profound significance, reminding them of their collective commitment to foster transparency, integrity, and accountability in society.
He advised that the commemoration should not only be a symbolic gesture, but a catalyst for change, adding that their discussions, initiatives, and commitment to ethical conduct resonate beyond those walls, inspiring a ripple effect that dismantles the foundations of corruption and builds a society founded on fairness and integrity.

In his keynote address, Deputy Director of Public Education and Outreach at the Anti-Corruption Commission, Abubakarr Turay, said the Commission is observing this year’s International Anti-Corruption Day on the theme ‘A United Health Walk against Corruption for a Better Sierra Leone’, adding that the global theme for this year’s celebration is ‘Uniting the World against Corruption’.
He went on that according to the United Nations, the Convention covers five main areas, ranging from preventive measures, criminalization, and law enforcement, international cooperation, and asset recovery to technical and information exchange. He also stated that the fight against corruption is important because many private individuals and institutions often hold the view that the fight is solely the business of the Government and the Commission. “Well, in as much as the Government often provides support to the ACC and other accountability institutions, and in as much as the Commission provides the leadership in the fight against corruption, however, the anti-corruption campaign is one for every citizen and institution of the state, be it private or public”.

According to Director Turay, what the Commission would like to see is concrete steps taken by private sector institutions to address issues like bribery, conflict of interest, bid rigging, receiving gifts for a corrupt purpose, and other acts of corruption, stressing that the Commission also would like to see things like assets declarations at the institutional level, as this will help ensure integrity in the workplace.
He ended by acknowledging the decision by AGL to recognize the Day, which has now become part of its annual activities. “This goes a long way to show the public and your private and even public institutions to emulate you”.
The General Manager at Africa Global Logistics, Maroun Abi-Aad, said that at AGL Sierra Leone and globally, they are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethics.

He furthered that they took pride in their strict adherence to the fight against corruption and ensured that their Code of Conduct, policies, and regulations were respected at all times.
“We reject all forms of corruption and influence peddling and respect International sanctions and actively work towards preventing any form of sponsorship towards illegal activities,” the GM stressed.