According to confirmation from the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB) dated 2nd September 2022, concerning five bank accounts comprising two US Dollar accounts and three Leone accounts, the balances confirmed for the two US Dollar and three Leone accounts were US$778,308.06 (Sevnty hundred and seventy-eight thousand, three hundred and eight United States dollars) and Le5,848,964,978.21(Five billion, eight hundred and forty-eight million, nine hundred and sixty-four thousand, nine hundred and seventy-eight Leones) respectively.
It was noted by Auditors that one bank account with a reconciled total bank balance of Le9,575,519,646 (Nine billion, five hundred and seventy-five million, five hundred and nineteen thousand, six hundred and forty-six Leone) was not confirmed by the Bank of Sierra Leone. Neither NMA produced any document to account for it. Auditors from Audit Services stated in their report that their recommendation was partially resolved. And therefore, the issue remains unresolved.